
Sigue aprendiendo sobre el Aceite de Oliva:


Why a Bitter or Spicy Olive Oil?

In order to bring to your knowledge the culinary and health qualities of extra virgin olive oil 900 Top, here is a brief article setting out the benefits they bring to the health and to the palate. To begin with, it is fundamental to the production of extra virgin olive oil 900 Top that a […]

Tasting Extra Virgin Olive Oil

The great value of extra virgin olive oil has been recognised throughout history, whether used as an ointment, in Roman lamps or in religious rituals. These days, as well as being a sociocultural and envirnomental foundation of Andalucía’s agriculture and countryside, it is a food basic to the Meditteranean diet. Over time, the elaboration of […]

Blending Olive Oil with Different Flavours

To enable you to use extra virgin olive oil (aceite oliva virgen extra: AOVE) in different dishes, bringing originality and surprises to the palate, we will show you a few ideas for success at the table. AOVE 900 WHITE TRUFFLE Stir this into any pasta once cooked: AOVE 900 WHITE TRUFFLE.  Add other ingredients of […]

caviar aceite

Our Brand: 900

In the Iberian Peninsula, cultivation of olive trees and extraction of the oil from their fruits began in the sixth century BC; or, at least, that is the date given by the oldest extant documents which speak of olive oil.  To begin with, its uses were not culinary, but, thanks to its healthy qualities, medicinal […]

variedades de aceitunas

Varieties of Olive

According to data from a large number of studies, more than two hundred and sixty varieties of olive are grown in Spain. Of those, most are used in the production of olive oil, whilst others are more suitable as table olives. Even though the variety of olives is wide, they are by no means equally […]


Los AOVEs como Fuente de Salud

  Hoy vamos a publicar en nuestro blog la reproducción de un artículo sobre los AOVES como Fuente de Salud publicado en INTEREMPRESAS, INDUSTRIA DEL ACEITE. Me ha parecido tan interesante que merece la pena publicarlo íntegro. Espero que confirme lo que ya sabíamos sobre nuestro oro líquido; un regalo saludable y sabroso que te engrandece cada […]

caviar aceite

Caviar Aceite de Oliva Virgen Extra

Una de las formas más innovadoras de consumir aceite de oliva virgen extra, son las esferas de aceite de oliva; también llamadas perlas y más conocidas como caviar de aceite de oliva virgen extra. El Caviar de Aceite de Oliva se trata de un producto novedoso. Pero asombrosamente fácil de utilizar, ya que, se usa como […]

Aceite de Oliva Virgen Extra, el Mejor Regalo otorgado al Hombre, según los Dioses

Nuestras arraigadas costumbres y normas de buena educación, establecen multitud de ocasiones y acontecimientos sociales o familiares; en los que es conveniente, apropiado o simplemente tradición, entregar un obsequio en forma de regalo para demostrar nuestro agradecimiento. O como forma de recompensa por comportamientos ejemplares. Un regalo original y saludable En ORIGEN NOVECIENTOS te proponemos […]